Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sunshine for Breakfast

Hello blog crew! So with being out of town and then family being here from out of town, I have not been on my A game with my eats! But today was a day full of green goodness! Today I am going to focus the blog entry on juice! Some of you have recently gotten new juicers! Yippee!
I love it!

Here was my eating day: I woke up and immediately drank 16 oz of water with lemon to get things moving- this is a great daily habit to get into to break up mucous (gross word) in the body and get your bowels moving (pleasant huh)? Ain't no shame though, a healthy body should be ready to "eliminate" first thing in the morning. Your body has been working all night to get the "package" prepared, and who wants it sittin' there all day...not me!

Ok so now that some of you are probably completely embarrassed, let's move on. Next, I had 16 oz of "Sunshine for breakfast" green leaves & grasses are synthesized sunlight. Chlorophyll is energy produced by photosynthesis. (yes, I am a teacher) So just imagine, you ARE eating sunshine! Here are some juice facts that I have learned from my new Natalia Rose book (love her)

~The goal is green, but not super dark green, rather a blend of light greens and dark greens.
~The darker the green, the more bitter and medicinal they are.
~A simple 50% carrot/50% romaine is an excellent choice & great for those on a tight budget.
~It's ideal to drink your juice right away, BUT you can seal it it up, keep it cold and drink it a few hours later if needed. You can also freeze juice in Ball jars for times you need to just grab a juice and go! (I will be doing this once school starts)
~If you want to make up a big batch in the AM and drink it throughout the day, DO IT, anything is better than not juicing at all!
~Once you get into it, you will be hooked!
~Green juice cleans your blood and renews every cell it reaches!

Lunch was a big Mediterranean salad from Arnie's (sorry no picture, I was starving) and a side of steamed broccoli.

Dinner was a homemade salad with spinach, onions, tomato, purple pepper (tastes just like green bell pepper), cilantro & garlic. My dressing was a smushed up avocado with lemon juice and Stevia. I also had an omelet with onions and basil & of course I topped it with Ketchup!

After dinner treat was 2 Endangered Species mint dark chocolate squares.

Make juice, and more, and more, and more!


  1. bahahahah you said sorry no picture I was starving!!!! lol bahahaha Where did you get choc with that high cocoa content?
    Here's to eliminating b.m. in the a.m.!

  2. Love this! Nothing embarrassing about keeping it moving!

  3. Thanks for the comments girls! I love comments, then I know people are reading. Jonna, this is Endangered Species Chocolate and it is made right here in Indy! I get mine at Kroger in the organic section. Other great brands that I like are Newman's, Green and Black,& Ghiradelli. I try to get my chocolate in the 60's or 70%. These mint ones are my favorite!

  4. Thankyou Mrs. Iszler! Very informative! KEEP IT COMING AND KEEP IT MOVING!

  5. Great site, I have really enjoyed myself. Have printed off some of the recipes to try them out. Always on the look out for something new to make for my picky husband.

  6. Thank you Mok and Christine, I will keep em coming and I hope you get some good meal ideas!
