Saturday, September 11, 2010

Comfort Food

Hello blog buds! Today was a day full of comfort food and laziness!

I started the morning with a bowl of VOO (vegan overnight oats) except they weren't over night, I made it all this morning.

These oats were:
1/3 c. oats
3/4 c. almond milk
1 scoop chia seeds
1/2 scoop of Sunwarrior protein powder (best protein powder I've ever had)
All of those ingredients were mixed into a bowl and put in the fridge to soak for a little over an hour. (usually you would do this part the night before)
Then you make the delicious ice cream banana soft serve:
Mix a frozen banana and a little almond milk (or milk of choice) in the blender. This morning I drizzled maple syrup over the top!


Sophia wanted her own ice cream banana soft serve for breakfast. I'll just let her think she is having ice cream for breakfast.This makes me a really cool mom! This is a great dairy free ice cream alternative for kids or grown ups!

We had a nice relaxing day that included naps for everyone!  Before I knew it,  it was on to dinner. I drank this while fixing dinner, it is sweetened with Stevia. It was just ok, nothing earth shattering.

WARNING- You will not see any veggies in this dinner. I know shame, shame!
It was NOT an alkaline dinner tonight. It was all about comfort food! Mama needed comfort, and to use up some things from the freezer! We had 2 kinds of pasta:
Mushroom Ravioli from a Local Farm and family business

Mushroom Goodness!

And Sophia's favorite, whole wheat Rotini

Smothered with this: ( I love Paul Newman brand anything, it's usually all natural or organic and all proceeds from all his products go to his charity for kids)

Rolls on the side with Earth Balance Butter (vegan) Can you say carb overload!

Meat for the man!

And the final product:


And Little Hers

She takes her pasta eating serious!

Forget the fork!

Cleaned the plate of pasta! (fake smile)

 Then this arrived at our door, so we are back on track with our fruits and veggies tomorrow! Thank goodness!

And I can't wait to juice this baby with a little ginger in the morning!

Now, we are going to be lazy some more, this time with bellies full of pasta! It's been a week!


Friday, September 10, 2010

Breaking Up With Lady Starbucks

Isn't she Beeeautiful?

In the words of Kris Carr "Oh Lady Starbucks, you little "Hoochie Mama" we love to frequent!"

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE fun flavored coffee...vanilla, hazelnut, pumpkin spice, you name it. I LOVE it. However, since I am transitioning to eating a more alkaline diet I have to trade in my daily coffee habit for some less acidic habits. Now don't get me wrong, I still LOVE the "Hoochie Mama" but only indulge in coffee occasionally and let me tell you it has been tough. But here is my new morning routine:

1. Rather than drinking a cup of coffee on the way into work, I now enjoy hot water with lemon on my drive in. (don't worry I was at a red light)

I always have sinus issues in the morning when I wake up and I literally can feel the sinus release and my head clear as I drink this! Try it!

2. Then I have either a juice or a smoothie which are both full of alkalinity! I was double fisted with Cherry bombs today for myself and my friend Denise. (Check out her new blog)

Although, I have decided to do away with some of her yummy treats. I can't seem to let go of "Hoochie Mama's" pretty face. So to make the break-up less traumatic I keep several pictures of her on my desk, but she now holds my water and my smoothies!

Lady Starbucks, it's not you, it's me. I know we can still be friends. Things will just be different between us. I will still stop by and see you I promise, but I will now enjoy your Passion Tea instead of your creamy brown goodness. Please don't be mad at me! I think this will be good for both of us!

I will always love you "Hoochie Mama"


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Found Carrot Cake!

Hello blog friends! Hope everyone had a great hump day!

Sophia and I made two stops on the way on home. First here:
For all you locals this is @ Stop 11 and Madison. It is lots of different International foods.I must warn you about the fish smell and the meat department. I did glance over and see some chicken feet, nails and all! Seriously! But, I LOVED the spice section and the produce section! I got some dried mangoes I am excited to try!

Next, we stopped here:
Locals, this is at Smith Valley and 135. They have so many things that you can usually only get on the North side of Indy! Tonight I found some exciting things including the new Carrot cake Lara Bars. I didn't forget about my blogger friends Sentiments by Denise and That Hoosier Girl. They will come soon girls!

I have now tried all the new flavors of Lara Bars and I have to say this is still my favorite
Coconut Cream Pie- G double O D = GOOD

Dinner #1 tonight was a tostada with beans, avocado, and tomato

Dinner #2 was this cereal that I bought for Sophia, but I have now had 2 bowls of it and she will only eat the marshmallows...guess I won't be buying this again. It is really good though!

Here is my breakfast tomorrowGreeeen juice! Cucumber, celery, apple, lemon, and kale.All I have to do tomorrow is grab and go...I love quick and easy!

All the juice and smoothie supplies after getting a nice warm bubble bath!Have I mentioned my love for my juicer and Vita-mix??????

Have a great evening!

Be well,

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We were in the car for a good portion of the day yesterday heading back from Michigan. On the way home we pass through Muncie, In where I went to College and also met my sexy husband! Grr...

I saw this billboard and snapped a quick picture of it. It is a Ball State billboard, my Alma mater!


This sign made me really think about how much Ball State really helped to create who I am today and how much I've changed since my Ball State days. I am certainly not that 18 year old girl who headed off to Muncie with her best friend to finally be "Free"  I am SO much better now.

Now that I am thirty something, I feel like I am truly finding who I really am and I LOVE it! I love creating this new lifestyle for me and my family.

Here is my list of ways I am creating change for myself and my family:
  • Paying more attention what we put in and on our bodies
  • Taking me time in the form of walking or rebounding (jumping on mini trampoline- really cleansing for your cells)
  • Juicing and blending
  • Accepting who I am no matter what
  • Realizing perfection is my enemy
  • Training my mind to stay in the now and stay positive
 My whole blog is about constantly moving closer to where I want to be. I do not always make the best choices, but I am conscious of the choices I make. I certainly don't judge others for choices they make. I do wish the way our kids eat on a daily basis were taken more seriously, but please don't ever read my blog and think I would judge what you are doing in your house.

So, all that being said I thought you should see what we picked up at the gas station on the way home.

YIKERS! I did manage to tear off only a small section of the nerd rope and Sophia thought that's all there was. So then why did I eat the rest? Shit! Oh well not about perfection just creating a better me!

What things are doing to create a better you? I would love to hear!

Peace, love, & create!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Grown-Up Stuff

Hello Blog Friends! This weekend was all about Grown-Up Stuff! First, I discovered this new soda called GUS- Grown up Soda. It is all recognizable ingredients. Not something I would have everyday, but really great for when you want that fizz!
After this, I decided to switch to a REAL Grown -up drink! I ended up having a few of these! I put them in the sand for the commercial effect! Ahh, the perks of being a grown-up!

As I was drinking that, someone else decided she was nearing being a grown up herself and decided she was big enough to walk out on the dock herself. (the water is really shallow)
In her hands is something from the ice cream man called a "shot" Slow down there girlie, no shots yet!

Here are some highlights from the eating scene this weekend!
This is orzo pasta with tomatoes! AMAZING!

I was SO excited to finally try this! It is ice cream made with goat milk. Goat milk is a lot easier on our digestive system. This was good and I will definitely have it again, but it did have a definite after taste that takes some getting used to. Natalia Rose (Detox 4 Women) talks great about this stuff!

We had a great weekend, but definitely realized that growing-up is happening way too fast!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Family Weekend in Motown

We are spending this weekend with the fam in Detroit. The drive up with a three year old required several stops at nasty gas stations to use the facilities. So needless to say we used lots of this on our hands.

I like this hand sanitizer because it is all natural and doesn't have alcohol in it.

My sister-in law is very much into the same things I am with living green and organic. She has been into it longer than me, so I love coming to her house and seeing all her "green things"

Yesterday she picked these from her garden. Pear shaped yellow tomatoes. So cute and so good!

I found these in her collection of books! If you haven't read Food Rules by Michael Pollan you should check it out. It is a quick fun read and very informative! The Green Living book is a great resource of green products.

Sophia LOVES coming to see her cousin Van she also loves that her Aunt Elizabeth always has these for her! They are called Pro Bugs, they are an organic probiotic yogurt drink that we used to be able to get in Indy, but can now only find at Whole Foods 45 minutes from us. She seriously will have all these gone before we leave!
We enjoyed lots of this "Fizz" last night! Getting a little crazy!
This was our amazing breakfast this morning! French toast made with walnut cherry raisin bread, coffee with cream and sucanat (stands for sugar cane natural), and some OJ!

Hope everyone is enjoying some family or friend time this weekend!
