I reached my halfway mark for my fundraising!!! This week I sign recommitment papers, stating that I am committed to moving forward with my goal! I have been amazed at how generous people are and how non-stressful the money raising part has been.
This week I ran 3 times and still have my long run to do today. My interval workout was really tough this week. It made me realize I need to add another day of intervals to the mix. So starting this week I am going to run 5 days, rather than 4.
I continue to work on the eating thing as well. I went all week with no meat, and no dairy. I did cave last night with the diet pop. I am not being obssesive though. If I want to have a diet pop a few times a week that's fine, it's better than everyday like in the past. I love my fruit and veggie delivery that I recieve on Fridays. It definately has me eating more fruits and veggies and also ensures that we are eating organic and local! I also discovered coconut kiefer this week that is dairy free. I have been having a glass after I get done with my runs and it helps me not to crash. 13.1 is a LONG way and I definately need to kick it up a notch with my runs! That is my goal for this week!