I know she looks really unhappy here, but we really did have a great time, I promise!
Eats from yesterday:
For breakfast yesterday I had a green juice with the usual: Spinach, celery, lemon, green apple, cucumber, and just a little ginger. I decided yesterday I like this juice a lot better when I use a whole lemon versus a half. It tastes more like lemonade to me this way.
Road food= Lara Bar
Lunch was pretty comical. Matt wanted to just stop for fast food, but I would rather just not eat than to eat a fast food salad. YUK! So we stopped at a Texas Roadhouse and I got a carryout salad and he lovingly made fun of me!
Dinner was a few things. First this. Can you guess what it is?
It is Portabella mushrooms in a vinaigrette and oil. You should of seen Matt's face when they brought this out. He didn't hear me order and he totally thought it was beef!
I let him think it was for just a few so I could continue to watch his face as I shoveled it in...priceless!
Next, was a huge bowl of romaine, tomatoes, and shrimp. It has been a while since I have had any kind of seafood. I am very picky about seafood. This was really good though!
So, on to today. I had my green juice this morning, then was off to meet up with a friend and then to Trader Joe's. So lunch was skipped. Not good, I know! But here are my goods from Joe!
Round 1
Tough to see, so here's what it all is. Starting from the back left:frozen eggplant slices, chicken burgers, organic cucs, veggie kabobs, organic celery, 2 Trader Joe's vegetarian pizza, organic cottage cheese, 2 raw cheddar cheese blocks, 3 goat cheddar blocks, 3 goat Goudas, regular Gouda slices, cheddar cheese sticks, and a Greek salad.
All the cow dairy and meat are for Sophia and Matt and the goat cheese are for MOOWA. Ok, so I do share with my family!
Round 2
From back left: 2 boxes organic cheese crackers, 2 bottles stevia sweetened lemonade, 2 jars PB, 4 bottles of wine, agave maple syrup, veggie lasagna, pita chips, yogurt stars, probiotic smoothies, eggplant garlic spread, applesauce squeezers, 3 dark chocolate bars, organic yogurt, 100 cal dark chocolate sticks, 6 bars of vegetable soap, and yes folks that is a one pound 72% cocoa dark chocolate bar! I am going to cut it up, stick it in a freezer bag and toss in the freezer for a nightly square!
(excuse my candles that I didn't push out of the way)
And then there were these amazing green beans who never stood a chance! I told you I didn't have lunch!
Dinner was the frozen Trader Joe's veggie lasagna. It was very tasty!