Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bye Bye Diet Head

Hello Beautiful Blog Buds! Wowee, sorry for the delay in posts! It's been a week or so. The new comments didn't work, I got all excited and then let down. I wanted to make it easier for you all to leave comments. I am still working on it though! I'm not going down like that!

So last Saturday was really cool because I got to talk on the phone with my new friend Marlena Torres who is a certified clinical nutritionist and is working with me on an individualized nutritional regimen.

Everything that Marlena emphasizes are things that I truly believe in and have been dabbling in myself.

Such as:
green juice
mostly raw
organic and natural living
and quick exit foods

She also has a blog and a new ebook that you should check out!

I am so excited to be working with her and to have her support as I dive deeper into this lifestyle. When we spoke she talked about getting out of that diet head mentality where you are constantly either on or off a diet. This is so me!
She was explaining how diet head= deprivation and all or nothing. Instead we need be thinking, this is my lifestyle and the foods that best serve me! I LOVE that and have had to already remind myself of that a few times this week.

I am really pumped to try out some new recipes this week and to really start feeling great!

Weight is not something that I usually talk about on this blog, but it is no secret that it something that I struggle with. I had a whopping 60 pound weight gain with my daughter and have not been able to find my pre-prgnancy weight since (and trust me, I've looked EVERYWHERE for it) I've decided after talking with Marlena and after years of falling victim to the scale, that I am saying goodbye to it! I am done letting that little glass square tell me what kind of mood I am going to be in today. I am at the point in my life where even though how I feel about myself is HUGELY important, the number is NOT! I know that by following the principles that I stated above that the weight will come off but more importantly I will become healthier, happier, and a great role model for my daughter and Iszler baby #2 (someday)

So here's to falling in love with this journey! I hope you'll continue along with me and fall in love with your own journey as well!



  1. Great post! I can relate so well to this mindset. When I started my new wellness journey back in January I decided it wasn't going to be entirely about weight loss, but about being healthy. When I shifted my way of thinking to that, then things really started happening. The new things that I've been doing this year have really worked for me. I was able to get off of my cholesterol meds completely, I'm sleeping better, I have the desire to exercise and be more active, I've lost 50-lbs so far, and I feel more balanced overall physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Still work to be done, but that's the way it is on any journey.

  2. Wow, Denise 50 pounds is awesome! That is exactly what I am looking for, more balance in all areas of my life! I do love this journey, and love all the great blog friends I've made, like you!
